What are these you may ask?
Certificate of Authentications or COA's are required tests that need to be done on products and filed with the state if wishing to sell those products.

In Vermont, testing is done for; Potency, Moisture content, Human Pathogen, Metal, Pesticide, and Residual Solvents

Every Strain We Sell We Test

cannabinoid summary

Cannabinoid Summary

Vermont CCB dictates the potency parameters. These are based on guidance and information that they developed within the laws and are based off of theoretical THC content. For more information on this click the button below and specifically search section 2.9.2

CCB Rules and Regulations of Cannabis Establishments

Pesticides/Mycotoxin Summary

Vermont CCB dictates what chemicals can and cannot be used on the Cannabis plants grown within Vermont. These standards are set by the Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets. For more information on this, click the button below and search for section 2.9.6 and 2.3.1

CCB Rules and Regulations of Cannabis Establishments

Pathogen Summary

Vermont CCB dictates the amount of human pathogens that are allowed within the plant material or product. For more information on this, click the button below and search for section 2.9.4

CCB Rules and Regulations of Cannabis Establishments


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cannabinoid summary